Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Born on an altar of frigid stone
far from the halls of a royal home
at the mouth of roaring Terriand
where waters meet; river, sea, and sand
where the currents churn the sea foam green
and sea birds cry but are never seen
whirling high in zephyrs bold, they rise
to soar above sallow, fog-laced skies.
Here encamped beside the rushing waves
sits the hero of the ‘Thousand Days’.
Here the champion has tarried long
far from the cheers of adoring throng
farther still from love of kith and kin
long since there were battles yet to win.
Palomar Feri was his name of old
when fortune favored warriors bold.
Long have been the nights since elder days
longer still since triumph the banners raised.
Dark have been the troubled thoughts of men
and darker still have been deeds since then.
Here, he alone the dire watches keeps
while in the black, lonely hours weeps
for the glories of Lord Antrop’s hall
before shadow cast its ghastly pall.
Oh! The riches of such splendid feasts
where larders bulged with riches replete.
There sang the bards the songs of old
and children were awed at tales retold.

But here upon the forsaken beach
where wood and bone lie forever bleached
by that vengeful, unrelenting sun
there stood alone the oft-herald’d one
and at his feet lay Turcien bound
that beast of such monstrous renown.
Even in death was its fury seen
Though his eye now stared with glassy sheen.
Roughhewn flesh caked each tremendous paw
and still venom dripped from gaping maw.
For years untold the most craven spawn
did with spite and malice prey upon
the hearts and fears of all Eastenwell
with such grievous threats and deeds most fell.
From the falls of River Errantry
to the pale shores of the Endless Sea
the shadow of the villain grew long
til no maid alone should dare a song
for fear her dreams would with howling fill.
Though in recent years so few could tell
of a time when Turcien was seen
or mark the place he had truly been.
Perhaps, they mused, he had simply fled
and in some lithesome hovel to bed.
So his horrid legend slept, but grew
til all men had passed and time renewed.

All but Palomar who did endure
bound to his heroic fate and moored,
suffering silent indignity
as men forsook bonds of loyalty
and fled, in turn, each man to pride.
Then the hero sought again a prize
worthy of forsaken memories
---a tale to echo beyond the seas.
So early one spring morning he crept
beyond the gates where the drunkards slept
and found himself on familiar roads
though forgotten now and overgrown
ever southward under Dormane’s leaves
sleeping beneath its shimmering eaves,
following the foothills of Lorment
slightly east, the rugged trail there met
the headwaters of sylvan Ennule
where moonlight danced ‘cross her silver pools.

Yet ever he found the stain of men
men who lost still more honor since when
he had left, now dwelt in shadow it seemed
and faded along with deferred dreams.
So he was led yet farther afield
by a spirit that would not yield
seeking for himself a nobler end
and to revive flagging hearts of men.
Still the call of glory pressed him on
til the lands of his youth were far gone,
where foreign tongues bespoke foreign shores
into this scene the Terriand poured.
Wandered he over emerald glen
beyond the curve of the river bend
til a thrilling rumor reached his ears,
a dark rumor of some latent fear.
Of mighty Turcien it was said
he had to this fertile land been led
and did besiege, fostering alarm.

At this Palomar sprung up to arms
and set out at once to slay the fiend
seeking a sign of where he had been.
Pursuing for years specter and shade
Rushing headlong from glade to glade.
Relentlessly he sought out the beast
whose reign of terror seemed to have ceased
for peace had fallen in spite of fright
much to the dismay of the questing knight.
Still with fervor did the champion
assail with such reckless abandon.

Til on that fated high summer’s day
Palomar heard the hound loudly bray
and for the hilt of his sword he did reach
charging forth onto that forsaken beach.
There upon the sand Turcien lay
(though what he perceived no may could say)
in such a state of aged repose
its eyes bleary from a morning doze.
It rose with great labor to its feet
the encroaching champion to meet.
There the titanic battle occurred
though time and motion seemed strangely blurred.
The beast then rose up to meet the man
who fought with fury in his cold hands.
Though dulled by age the hound savagely
swiped massive claws belying infirmity.
Fresh blood it drew from the hero’s flesh
while singing sword hew a gaping cleft.
The air boiled with hatred’s vicious heat
as the monsters mercilessly beat
and landed such cruel rending blows
though locked they were as in lover’s throes.

Palomar felt the cur’s limbs quiv’ring
though in its heart vengeance simmering.
Its breathing slowed and its strength was stayed
as good vitality’s years betrayed.
Its noble muzzle dipped and light fled
from its ancient eyes and timeless dread
passed away. The knight drew now his sword
and looked the ever-conquering lord,
and into its breast did plunge the blade.
Uttering a mighty sigh it laid
down, its struggle lost, to rise no more.
Thus pass baleful wolf on dismal shore.
Then upon the day fell weary calm
as if some languishing spirit’s song
had swift and suddenly come upon
the now nigh-exhausted champion.
A silent spell cast by solemn breeze
did his melancholy spirit seize.
Where joy should flourish, only regret
only tears for years and dreams misspent.
No stories penned nor ballads were sung
Though before his feet the beast was slung.
What strength took it? What fortitude
to slay a beast in decrepitude?
Now the gathering wind grew quite loud
as the cur’s poison his flesh befouled.
He knelt down before his vanquished foe
grotesque castles grew where blood was sowed.
Its listless eyes mirrored his deep grief
as time stole in upon as a thief.
Distantly, he heard, as on the wind
the adoring throng he sought to win
the voices of crowds so long ago
lost friends and lovers he had once known.
Then, like a wisp; like a passing mist
gone were the dreams of a lasting bliss,
only then as sickness veiled his eyes
did he see great Turcien beside
and in his defeated presence found
a monster to whom his fate was bound.

Wind-whipped salt spray stung his distant eyes
as whitecaps rode the incoming tide.
Ever stretched the undulating sea
as velvet sunset loomed plaintively.
Fiery orange and lavender hues
did the fading summer's eve imbue
and from the deep gibbous moon arose
to claim vanishing sky unopposed.
Parched lips uttered silent prayer as day
fell behind the greedy, violet shade
and now eternity's lot was cast

beyond the veil the two monsters passed.

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