Let’s play a game, okay?
It’s called “I don’t deserve that.”
My daughter (now three) has never had any serious medical
I don’t deserve that.
Despite my best efforts to poison my body with fats,
artificial flavors, and preservatives, I remain healthy enough to run, hike,
and keep up with my family.
I don’t deserve that.
I have a wife who inexplicably close to marry me and has put
up with far more than her share of my eccentricities, neurosis, and sins.
I don’t deserve that.
A few months ago I was going through a particularly bad period.
It wasn’t that life was going badly or that some catastrophic event had struck,
but rather I just felt generally down for about three. It was hardest while I
was at work. I was in a new job, learning to work with new people, and
experiencing push back on the things I was trying to do. On one particularly
low day I took out a sheet of black packing labels (they abound aplenty at my
job) and started listing all the things I was thankful for. I’ve always heard
(and taught) that this is a beneficial and healthy way to approach life. We can
only thank the Lord for the things we are aware of. I tried not to limit my
thanks to things of great significance.
My list began to look something like this:
For my wife for putting up with me
For an amazing daughter who I am completely
infatuated with
For pine trees
For the ability to grow prodigious facial hair
For the beauty of creation in Northern Michigan
That I am part of the Lord’s elect
For the lives of X and Y [former students] who
remind me how the Lord does work in
people’s lives.
It went on.
I don’t deserve any of it.
I still have that list in my desk at work. I’d like to say
that I return to it often, but I forget. I forget everything that the Lord has
done for me. Instead I get distracted by the concerns of the day. [read: I
obsess over the concerns of the day] I get depressed over events in the world.
I get beaten down by the sin in my own life.
I know that the Lord has done some amazing things in my
life. Paul says that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This alone
should prompt me to reflect and praise the Lord. However, while profound and
theologically accurate, this often seems too grandiose; the words too (dare I
say it) familiar at this point in my spiritual life. It fades in light of the
pressing concerns of the day.
What breaks us of our familiarity is forcing ourselves to
come face-to-face with the multitudes of ways in which the Lord has blessed us.
We take it for granted. If we’re not careful we can flip the phrase on its head
and begin uttering “I don’t deserve this” in anger when things don’t go the way
we envision rather than realizing that we deserve absolutely nothing. I know
myself. I know my history. I know my present. I know that I deserve none of
what the Lord has blessed me with.
Some days we just need to see it.
To see it written down in ink.
The facts.
So that we can look up again and say, with surety, “I don’t
deserve that.”
And we can praise the giver of the things we don’t deserve.
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