I have some pretty bad days. On the low days I often feel beaten
down by the troubles of my life and the anxieties of my mind. There are many
days that the victory is simply persevering; pushing through to another day.
There are times when my own striving against sin seems to become a war of
attrition, or worse --- a quagmire. There are nights I close my eyes pleading
for the Lord’s power to get through another day.
In addition to the trials and temptations, I am particularly
affected by the pains of the world and of those around me. I’ve always been
this way, even before I came to know Christ I can remember attending a party
where the guests were engaged in all sorts of licentiousness and promiscuity.
Even in my pre-regenerate state I was overcome by the sin and evil present
there. I knelt on the ground in pain for my friends. In fact it was this very
sense of innate sinfulness of the world that led me later to seek Christ.
Similarly, I am affected by the pain and ungodliness of the
world. Many days after hearing of war and famine; of precious men and women
pursuing ungodly paths, I am stricken and tempted to despair. When the
righteous are persecuted, oppressed, and ridiculed I ask: “How long Lord must
we endure?” This is the thought I often return to: a yearning for the day of reconciliation when
we will see our Lord Jesus face to face; when all pain will be wiped away.
Perhaps, however, I am approaching this world all wrong. In
2 Peter we read: “The Lord is not slow to
fulfill his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you, not
wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” and
later “count the patience of our Lord as
salvation.” Could it be that in my weariness and dissatisfaction I am
mistaking unhappiness for blessing? Perhaps in the fishbowl world of my own
self-absorption I am missing the patience of God in light of my own trivial,
temporary discomforts? In truth the fact that we are still in this world (and
thus experiencing the pains that come with that) is evidence not of the Lord’s
absence or forgetfulness but rather a testament to his patience and desire to
see men and women saved. When I realize this, I am made aware of my own narrow
selfishness and challenged to praise the Lord for his reticence rather than
condemn Him for His perceived inaction. What would He be able to do through me
if my eyes were open to my role in bringing about God’s purposes instead of
clouded by my own pride?
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