Sunday, September 2, 2018


Return, my dear, to your first love
Let not your heart grow cold
Remember the fervor of youth;
Your salvation of old.

Love of the world grows thick on you
comforts subtle and sly
Stand! Lest you these trifles pursue
and you grow dim of eye.

How will you stand when none surround,
none but the eyes of God?
When no Joshua cheers beside:
"Courage man, be on guard?"

Let no gauzy nostalgic thought
steal the call of this day.
The Spirit calls perpetually.
Take caution lest you stray.

Pray the blistering winter winds
make tepid not your soul.
Thaw anew this twice-frozen heart
and from you take control.

Quench not your thirst for holy word
with boredom or deceit
but with patience in sacred space
with zeal and passion meet.

Ready your wick with steady hand
stray not your dogged gaze
whether it near or far do not
ignore these waning days.

Fill your lungs with the richest fare
savor grace undeserved---
breath and the blessed peace of God
and find yourself preserved.

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