Sunday, September 30, 2018


Somebody might ask, 'Why do you write
of pines and peaks and flowering things,
is not man the crowning of creation, framed
in the image of God?' "Yes," I admit but
I struggle to believe and my heart is oft troubled, troubled indeed.


The song of the world is jealousy couched as justice and liberty a guise for dominion.
O, Grant us not only justice, great judge, but mercy also, though we deserve it not. Bear us up on wings of liberty crowned with selflessness. Open our eyes that we might see the peace and promise of both.

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Of the North we knew but little,
only the scant recollections and gleanings
won of observation: the rush of leaves, the pale arc of the moon, the chill of the evening.
Perceiving much, we understood yet fragments, as little as we knew of ourselves.
With half-intentions skittering around the corners of our minds we walked on,
our hopes and prayers and dreams
borne endlessly upward towards the quickening sky; our restless feet plodding on
beneath the silhouettes of phantom limbs.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Return, my dear, to your first love
Let not your heart grow cold
Remember the fervor of youth;
Your salvation of old.

Love of the world grows thick on you
comforts subtle and sly
Stand! Lest you these trifles pursue
and you grow dim of eye.

How will you stand when none surround,
none but the eyes of God?
When no Joshua cheers beside:
"Courage man, be on guard?"

Let no gauzy nostalgic thought
steal the call of this day.
The Spirit calls perpetually.
Take caution lest you stray.

Pray the blistering winter winds
make tepid not your soul.
Thaw anew this twice-frozen heart
and from you take control.

Quench not your thirst for holy word
with boredom or deceit
but with patience in sacred space
with zeal and passion meet.

Ready your wick with steady hand
stray not your dogged gaze
whether it near or far do not
ignore these waning days.

Fill your lungs with the richest fare
savor grace undeserved---
breath and the blessed peace of God
and find yourself preserved.

Saturday, September 1, 2018


my friends are getting cancer
and while I pray for healing
against this fleeting advance of decay,
I pray to burn again
in these twilight hours,
kindling passions untold;
to wake like crimson sunrise
cresting the day.

From a Spring Day

From a spring day
the smell of marine diesel
rose over the intervening lilacs.
The revving of the lethargic engine
broke the hot, illusionary silence.
From the yawning window
this acoustic and olfactory alchemy 
evaporated behind the distinct veil of sound,
the inescapable
the ubiquitous.

April 28th, 1994,
the Tigers and Royals,
similarly cursed
engaged an exercise in futility
not for crown or acclaim
but rather for the sake of a small boy
perched at a windowsill;
a boy who hears the seasons in the static,
for whom music, yes music
of faint crowd chatter 
and the muffled crack of leather on wood
ensconced in undulating hiss
would forever entice. 

Objectively: a banal narrative,
a collection of statistics,
anecdotes bordering on mundane
---and altogether disposable,
yet in such strange array
they mirror the seasons and stars,
ever-present guide to sojourners and travelers
with compass and sextant
replaced by finicky dials of the transistor radio.

They play not for the thrill of the day
but for the compounding aggregate of history,
building, as it were,
stalactites and stalagmite formations
to be observed and ruminated on by men and women,
for whom, their names would exist
as mere perfunctory labels in expanding indicies.
Yet which,
when stoked,
like smoldering coals,
would burst to vibrant life,

They play
as individuals
bound inextricably within the confines of providence
exercising full dominion
yet predestined
to construct some greater cathedral draped in grandeur
from which issue forth rhythms of consistency
of stability in the face of chaotic indifference.

They play,
let those who have ears to hear, hear.

Theirs is a world of ghosts,
where each patch of dirt haunts a spectral cloud of witnesses,
ever watchful.
A stark dichotomy:
each man for himself
and each man together.
Rugged individualism
and relentless tribalism
bound together with insoluble fetters.
A world of knights and pontiffs
arrayied on the shining green fields of battle.

Babe Ruth calls his shot and
Moses parts the Red Sea.
Gehrig claims to be the luckiest man alive and
Joshua tells each man to choose who he will serve.
The White Socks are banned
and Israel is taken in chains to Babylon.

each man stands,
shining in the pantheon history
like living statues bound for ever to serve as examples and cautions.
Reflecting both the exultation and the futility of mortality.

They play
Not as paragons of virtue
But prophets of permanence
And the legacies we sow
Even once our bodies pass from tissue to dust.

They play
And the heartbeat of creation beats on
Issuing it's familiar humbling tones to those willing to hear.

From windows and workplaces
They play
drawing back the curtains of indifference
Pulling down the bulwarks of cynicism.
In the heat and the cold
The day and the night
In the spring and the autumn
They play
Spinning their unpredictable narratives
Into legend and lore.
They play.
          They play.


O bitter tonic
removing dross
like refining fire;
cleansing palate and conscience
til remains only the bones of faith
hitherto only imagined.
of chaff and frivolity
living only the wriggling germ of hope
fragile and raw
yet fertile
in burgeoning soil
---a mustard seed
in stark contrast set
to flourish or fail
free of the trappings of anxiety and latent desire---
purity unmanaged;
clarity in dependence.
Here resides only life and Lord
no fitter pair to meet
in such and hour.