Yesterday my
family and I were on our way to a funeral. We, obviously, needed to get there
on time. We got on the expressway north and made good time for about ¾ of our
trip. Much to our chagrin however, the traffic slowed to a crawl without any discernable
reason. As we limped along, we began to notice that the southbound lane of the
freeway was deserted. The southbound lanes, it seemed, had been shut down due
to an accident. We proceeded on until we could see where the police had the
expressway cordoned off and traffic was stopped.
Just then,
about ten car-lengths ahead of us, an SUV pulled out into the “authorized
access only” turn arounds and pulls a U-turn into the now abandoned expressway.
Both my wife and I were aghast and furious that this person would a) disobey a
posted sign and b) disobey a police-directed initiative. As I watched the car
disappear in my rear-view mirror I saw movement come up alongside me. A police
car drove up on the shoulder and approached the turn around. My wife and I both
said out loud, “Go get him”. In a moment of perfect justice, the police officer,
too, pulled a U-turn, flipped on his lights and chased after the offender who
must have felt so isolated and vulnerable being the only car driving down an
abandoned expanse of highway. We cheered. Justice was done. All was right in
the world.
Humans have
an inherent sense of justice. Our quest for justice is born and rooted in being
made in the image of God. We know that the Lord is righteous, wholly and
perfectly righteous; so righteous in fact that He must be then opposed to anything that is unrighteous. From that attribute flows the wrath of the Lord which
opposes anything that would hate or be opposed to His moral character. It is
one of the communicable attributes of the Lord. We, too, seek out justice and
fairness in this world, whether it is in some offense or slight committed
against us or whether it is, in the instance of this driver, someone who has
broken the rules. We naturally demand that those who break the rules require
punishment for justice to be done.
U-turns must be punished.
Yet our
desire for justice can quickly transition into hatred and bitterness. A
misplaced sense of justice leads can quickly lead into pride and
self-righteousness since we, unlike our Maker, are not perfect and are riddled
with sins of our own. Our sense of justice can quickly cause us to overlook the
long list of our own sins.
In the
gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells a parable to those crowds gathered around Him.
He tells of a landowner in need of workers for his vineyard. Early in the day
he hires a group of men, promising them a day’s wages. Around noon he hires
another group offering them, too, a day’s wages. He does the same around three
in the afternoon. Finally, around five, he hires a final group, offering them a
day’s wages as well.
“When evening came, the
owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their
wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
The workers who were
hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius [a day’s wages]. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive
more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it,
they began to grumble against the landowner.
‘These who were hired last worked
only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne
the burden of the work in the heat of the day.’
But he answered them,
‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius?
Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I
gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are
you envious because I am generous?’”
Jesus told
this story to illustrate to self-righteous religious Jews that He was more
interested in bringing others into His fold through grace than He was in
validating the already righteous (or at least, self-righteous). It was the
misplaced sense of justice (and jealousy) that led these men to overlook that
they too were hired fairly by the landowner.
In our quest
for justice we must not too quickly ignore the fact that mercy is also an
attribute of the Lord. We need to seek justice as a means to save and serve
others, not out of some sense of self-righteous pride. We, too, should be as
quick to show mercy and grant leniency as we are to condemn others for
infractions for which we have been forgiven. None of us can conceive of exactly
how guilty and unrighteous we are in the eyes of God. Yet, in spite of this
deficiency, we have been redeemed by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. As
we begin, in our own feeble human terms, to seek retributive justice for
others, we must never forget the ledger of offenses that were once levied
against us. This does not absolve others of guilt or exclude them from
punishment (especially on a civic level) but it keeps us grounded in the
reality that we too are debtors who cannot pay. We should not take joy from the
downfall of others but turn our eyes to ourselves and praise the great and
merciful Father who chose us before the foundation of the world to demonstrate
His loving kindness.
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