Friday, September 2, 2016

A Plain Account of the Ohio Marsh Man Part 8

Following the roadside encounter and the strange visitation prior to the meltdown at Fermi II a police memorandum had been issued instructing officers to be on the lookout for “an adult male, approximately 6’ tall, possibly homeless” wanted for questioning. Sources made available to this publication show that the FBI had less patience for the so-called “Marsh man” instructing that should any individual appear on the premises of any federal institution he was to be apprehended immediately. The efforts of law enforcement were of course made more challenging by the proliferation of reports coming in to officials describing interactions with this now-mythical figure. Some of the more outlandish claimed that his origins were extra-terrestrial. Another described in detail how the figure levitated out from the swampy waters and proceeded to advise a young woman that she should leave her boyfriend. Perhaps self-aware of becoming a crypto-zoological “Dear Abby” column, the haunting individual apparently took to the road and reports became common throughout the Midwest, in select cities on the eastern seaboard, and, of course, Florida.

The truth about Tovar’s whereabouts during this time, like much of his story, is murky. There do seem to be some adequately credible reports out of Put-in-Bay and Pelee Island. The possibility of finding a decent degree of solitude on the shores of these islands seems realistic. The reality is that we may never know.

What we can be assured of is that on the morning of September 4th, Prince Tovar woke up from a night’s sleep in the pre-dawn hours. His camp, if one could call it that, was on an untraversed stretch of shore about 5 minutes east of Magee Marsh and about a ten minute walk from Ohio Route 2. That distance might as well have been 10 miles for the spot which he has made his home was nestled in a small cove shallow enough to discourage boats and the entrance covered enough to shade his presence from any onlooker from either shore or sea.

Over the course of the morning he made his way northward along the coast apparently catching fish along the way. By this time he had grown accustomed to eating them raw so there was no need to light a fire. In the remains of his camp there were leavings of many fires so it would seem that he still continued to make them both for warmth and to cook his catch. At any rate by mid-afternoon he had found a spot at Metzger Marsh hidden on an embankment to wait out the day and the various people who used the marsh’s path to run, hike, or bird watch. Tovar was quite cautious to avoid as many eyes as possible it would seem. He must have been quite good to account for his nearly two and a half years of undisturbed wild living.

It seems the most providential and tragic events pivot on tiny twists of fate. Perhaps that is the only time we are truly able to witness and comprehend the complex web of interactions that shape our existence. Either way, those series of choices; those coin flip moments seem to shine out at us in the musings of hindsight.

A scheduling mistake let to Carmen Anghellini getting the day off from her work at Target. She had put in a request form months before for a doctor’s appointment. The appointment got rescheduled but she never rescinded the time of request. She counted it as a bonus.
Instead of sending her children, Marcus, 6, and Tara, 3, to the babysitter she took them out herself. She wanted them to get outside; to enjoy nature like her parents had helped her to appreciate. On a whim, on that simple turn of fate, she decided upon Metzger Marsh to let the kids see the lake and enjoy the animals in the marsh. Marcus loved exploring and seeing new animals.

A row of people lined the canal, set up in lawn chairs with their fishing lines drifting in the slow current. Gulls rose and fell on the winds searching for scraps or trash. While Carmen was getting Tara situated in her stroller, Marcus was already running ahead to the crushed gravel path and disappearing behind the rows of trees. She called for him to return and he obliged. The next twenty minutes her words served as a leash for the young and very exuberant boy. Every time he got too far away she called him back.

The path was surrounded by trees on the southern side for about a quarter of a mile before the land gave way and the path became a narrow strip of land separating the waters of the lake from the waters of the marsh. It continued for about a mile, completely straight until a sign informed them that it was illegal to continue beyond that point.

The straightness of the path gave Carmen confidence she could afford Marcus a little longer leash that normal because at least she could see him. He was attentive and her cry always brought him back.

At about 2:30pm she stopped to help the nearly asleep Tara get her hat back on. When she looked up, Marcus was merely a spot on the horizon. She called out. He was there. Then he was not.

She started to run pushing her daughter in the stroller. This proved cumbersome but her panic helped her stop and adeptly get the sleepy Tara out of the stroller. She began to run. She wasn’t even sure where she had last seen her son. The terrain of the marsh was minimal and every spot along it seemed the same as the last. Reaching the point she thought he might have last been she began to scream; screaming with the desperation of one who has truly lost something infinitely valuable. Other pedestrians tried to ask her questions but she was in no state to explain what had happened. She only knew that her son was gone. Someone called the police.

The placid waters of the marsh were undisturbed. On the other, the waves of the lake lapped away absently against the large blocks of repurposed concrete that served as a wave break.

Moments passed. No one could remember exactly how long.

Officers Andrew Sanchez and Mark Tyler, who had been nearby, responded. Sanchez preemptively called for an ambulance but the two entered the park by themselves. As they started down the trail at a jog they could see where a crowd had gathered. It took them precious moments to reach Carmen who was obviously the disturbed party. Tyler tried to get a concise summary of events out of Carmen but the woman was too distraught. A jogger tried to translate the screams and sobs.

As all eyes scanned the waters of the lake and the marsh around where Carmen stood, no one looked up the trail about 75 feet, where in fact, the boy had actually fallen. Had they been looking, they would have seen a grimy and disheveled Prince Tovar emerge from the lake cradling the limp body of Marcus in his arms. Blood oozed from a gash on the boy’s head where he had collided with the rocks as he fell toward the lake. Tovar, who it is reported never had any training in first aid or CPR was attempting to resuscitate the boy. He cradled the boy’s head in his palms which he held out before him in a limp act of desperation. His eyes fixed on the motionless child he appeared moved (as some bystanders later recounted) and seemed to be near breaking into tears.

This is when Officer Sanchez saw the man or what seemed to be a man, looming over the unconscious boy. He shouted for the man to leave. Tovar appeared not to hear. Officer Tyler tried to hold back Carmen and the crowd that had gathered from approaching any nearer. Sanchez drew his weapon and advanced. From later reports, Sanchez did note that there was a moment when he realized that this figure fit the descriptions of the “Marsh man” and was aware that he was a person of interest. While he might have known, little registered as he approached the unresponsive man crouched over the boy.

Tovar seemed not to register the officer at all, or any of the other bystanders for that matter. All his attention was on the boy, his hands running over his arms, squeezing his hands, trying anything (in this reporter’s opinion) to breathe life back into young Marcus.
Whether it was the desperation and helplessness that drove Tovar we will never know. Perhaps he came to the realization he knew nothing about helping the boy whose life seemed to be speedily slipping away. What we know is that he stood up, quickly, and stepped toward the advancing officer who was about twenty feet away.

Sanchez reacted with two shots at the approaching man. We cannot perhaps blame him for his prejudice. Tovar wore a pair of shorts that were ripped and torn in a dozen places. His hair was overgrown and littered with muck and weeds. Even Prince’s eyes were hidden behind a mop of hair that shrouded his forehead. His appearance, coupled with his curiously ominous appearances surely would have given any officer cause.

None of this mattered of course. The shots hit Tovar in the shoulder and upper chest. He stumbled backwards over the boy and slumped to the side of the trail about five feet back.
Officer Tyler rushed forward to check on the boy, followed closely by the boy’s mother. Officer Sanchez approached Tovar who had collapsed immediately and had not moved. Tovar was unresponsive to the officer’s questions and drawn gun.

The moments passed.

Ambulances arrived about five minutes later. CPR was performed on the scene by EMTs and Marcus began to breathe on this own after a few minutes. The gash on his head was more of a cause for concern and he was lifted onto the gurney and taken to the waiting ambulance as the confused fishermen looked on.

Tovar never again woke.

He lay where he had fallen. One of the bullets had lodged in his shoulder. The other had perforated a lung and his heart. His eyes, hidden behind the grime and the years of neglect stared out in a look of perplexed concern. They would never again see the world. His hands would never again play the keys that he felt brought beauty and life into the world.

We cannot be too quick to lay blame on Officer Sanchez for his use of lethal force. Though we can, and should, ask good hard questions, we realize the complexity and confusion of the situation; the apparently immediate danger to the life of the boy. Indeed, the very bulletins issued by the police department and FBI would indicate such a response was warranted. Sanchez himself has said that he deeply regrets the decisions especially after investigations into the boy’s injuries show that they were most likely cause by a fall onto the rocks and only after, submersion. Marcus, for his part, confirmed as much of this as he could remember. No charges were filed over Tovar’s death nor are any pending.

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