But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your
thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if
someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you
receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a
different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
Corinthians 11:2-4
In chapters 10 and most of 11, Paul returns to defending his
ministry against those who would speak against him from afar. He speaks against
accusations of being domineering (10:7-8), incongruity of teaching (10:10-11), and
boasting (10:13-18). He deftly defends his own teaching and asserts that he
does indeed teach the same things in person that he does from afar. In the
midst of this defense, Paul tells of his concern for the fickle traits the
Corinthians showed towards teaching. “For
if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if
you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a
different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.”
Paul is worried that in his absence, the Corinthian believers are a bit to apt
to become swayed by other teachers who came in preaching ‘different Jesus’’ and
‘different gospels’. Now of course there is only one Jesus and there is only
one gospel (“good news”) but Paul is referring to people preaching false
versions of Jesus and false versions of the gospel.
We must remember that that:
The communication network of Paul’s day was far
more limited than our own. The Corinthian Christians (likely) had never
personally met or heard from Jesus while he walked on earth. There was no news
culture to report in a systematic way what Jesus said and did. These new
believers relied upon those who had personally known Jesus (the apostles) to
provide accurate descriptions of Jesus’ life and teachings. [We can see that
this concern for purity of the gospel by looking at Luke’s preface to his
gospel and Acts.]
Secondly, the canon of Scripture had not yet
been defined in totality. To be sure, even by Paul’s later years, certain
gospels were widely circulated and of course the Old Testament (as we call it)
was viewed as authoritative, but largely, the early Church, especially the
Gentile church, relied upon personal witnesses to inform their orthodoxy.
Into that context, Paul is concerned that the Corinthians
were falling victim to spurious preachers who claimed doctrines and teachings
contrary to that of the true Christ.
As I read this text, I cannot help but identify the
‘different’ gospels that we often entertain today. We, like the Corinthians,
rely upon the witness of Scripture to inform us of the truth of the gospel. We
are those who Jesus prayed for that would believe without having seen Him on
earth. Most of us would never claim (or admit) to following a different ‘god’
but we, by our behavior, betray our words and illustrate the depth of our false
beliefs. Before I identify a few ‘false gospels’ that I find particularly
concerning (this is by no way a complete list) let me say that we all operate
under false impressions of Jesus at different ways and at different times. None
of us can claim complete orthodoxy. Indeed the process of sanctification, to
which we all are in progress, is a process of bringing our beliefs and actions
in line with the truth of gospel. Thanks be to God that we are not justified by
the percentage of time we get it right, but rather by the person of Jesus
Christ who extends grace to sinners and works through His Holy Spirit to
perfect us into His image.
The gospel of
personal fulfillment
The first false gospel is the gospel of personal
fulfillment. This gospel is not so much about serving Jesus but rather about
what our ‘rights’ are as humans. At its essence, this gospel claims that faith
in Christ earns us the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and
whatever else we desire. The heart of this gospel is hedonism- we want what we
want. This gospel is difficult to detect because few would outwardly claim that
while we have sworn allegiance to Christ, we still strive to please ourselves.
However, this gospel is demonstrated by the way we conduct
ourselves and by the language we use. For example, we might bemoan the
legalistic fervor of the Pharisees while eschewing freedom from lists and
rules. In our hearts though, the reason for our disdain is not to cling to the
purity of grace and the Law of Love but rather to please the desires of our own
hearts. We might say things like: ‘God doesn’t want me to be unhappy.’ Such a
gospel denies truth and instead rests upon the premise that now that we are
within the family of God, all things should and will be given to us regardless
what Scripture has said on the matter. Any notion of limits upon our freedom or
discipline from the Lord or claims of Spiritual authority are heartily
The way to answer this false gospel is by not evading the
truth of Scripture. We must not isolate ourselves from church and spiritual
authority. We must closely check our personal desires against the context of
The gospel of
cultural relevance
This gospel takes the truth that we cannot witness to a
world that we are not in, but perverts it until it is merely an excuse to sin.
We find that instead of clinging to the truth of Scripture we wait upon the
approval of the world to live out our faith. Such a gospel quickly abandons the
truth of Scripture in light of popular opinion. Such a gospel is one of limited
perspective; it sees faith only within the context of the current social and
political environment. Thus, if some aspect of Christianity flies in the face
of the majority of popular belief it must be faulty (non-authoritative) or
While we must always be prayerfully and thoughtfully looking
to preach the truth of Scripture into differing cultures, we must also be aware
that the Word of God exists outside of our social, political, and national
context. It is, in fact, authoritative regardless of what popular opinion might
I find this false gospel most often displayed in my life
when I shy away from witnessing to others about Christ because of contemporary
views toward witnessing or Christianity in general. We can also see the effects
of this gospel when we look to appropriate elements of contemporary culture
into our lives. We are, in essence, beginning to synchronize our faith with the
beliefs of culture.
We can see the way to combat this false gospel in the life
of Daniel, who, when taken from his home, religion, and culture was presented
with the perfectly rational choice to assent to the demands of life in Babylon,
yet chose instead to honor the God of Israel without compromising his faith.
One other element to note is that Daniel managed to honor his God and defy the decrees of Babylon without being overly aggressive or
inflammatory. We could use a lesson in such a mixture of defiance and humility.
The gospel of
This gospel is similar to the idea of personal fulfillment
in that it also focuses on what is best for us. However, this gospel is not as
blatant. This gospel affirms Jesus’ call of sovereignty on our lives but
tempers that call with the realities of this world.’ I know I want to be God’s witness but I’ve got a
job and a family and a mortgage to manage (steward, to make it sound more
spiritual)’. ‘We’re supposed to be good stewards of what is entrusted to us
right?’ it asks.
This gospel hooks us
not by appeals to excessive materialism but rather by appealing to our desire
for comfort and stability. Just as insidious as wanton and active sinful
behavior, comfort eats away at the work the Holy Spirit wants to do in our
lives. Where we begin as enthusiastic and impassioned as the early Christians
in Jerusalem, we are quickly swayed by such otherwise positive elements as
unity, frugality, discipline, and wisdom. In the throes of this gospel we
ignore the reality of sanctification and the belief that the Lord desires that
we be conformed into the image of Christ and that that process continues
throughout our lifetime on this earth. Too often, those afflicted by this false
gospel wake up one day to find that their Spiritual fervor became dulled by the
otherwise well-intentioned concerns of daily life.
To combat this false gospel, we must be constantly in prayer
imploring the Lord to show us the next step He wants us to take. We must also
be willing to maintain accountability with other believers who will help us in striving
for the glory of the Lord.
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