You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts,
to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ
delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God,
not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such is the confidence
that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves
to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has
made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of
the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Corinthians 3:2-6
Much of the first third of Paul’s second letter to the
church at Corinth is made as a refutation of those who doubted his apostleship
and sought to deny and twist his teachings. Due to this, he repeatedly defends
his gospel (which is the true gospel) and his own calling as an apostle. After
two chapters defending himself Paul cuts to the quick of his ministry. He
outlines the basis for his (and our) calling. “Not that we are sufficient in
ourselves to claim anything as coming from us,” he maintains. Nothing, Paul
says, not one single element of the success in ministry that he and his
companions have seen has been of their own doing. Paul, as eloquent and
confident as he was, brought nothing to the table that ‘aided’ the gospel of
Christ. Likewise, we too bring nothing to the table. No skill or talent, gift
or knowledge we possess brings anything to the message of Christ. In fact,
these traits (which we see as pedigree) actually are garbage (refuse, Paul
politely calls it) compared to the greatness of knowing Christ.
Paul continues: “but our sufficiency is from God, who has
made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant.” It is God who gives
validity to the ministry of Paul. In spite of the theological and
ecclesiastical background he had, it was God himself, and not his resume, that
qualified him for service. Paul states this to defuse the arguments of his
opposition who likely sought to erode the legitimacy of his calling. In
understanding this, we can experience the same joy in our lives. Whatever it is
that we bring to the table with us, be it knowledge, experience, and victory or
be it shame, foolishness, and inexperience – all of it is made nothing before a
holy and righteous God. The validity of Paul’s calling shares the same
resplendent cause as our own salvation --- that in and of ourselves we are
dead, our works are dead, and our knowledge is dead. Only through Christ are we
made alive. Only through Christ do our talents have meaning and purpose:
glorifying and proclaiming the risen Christ. Our sufficiency is the same as
Paul’s--- a sufficiency only found in Christ.
This is why Paul could write to the Corinthians with such
confidence. He knew who it was that had called him. This is why we can and
should live and minister in confidence ourselves. We too know who it is that
calls us. There is no place for pride or boasting in the gifts and talents for
they come only through the grace of Christ. Whatever it is we see as an avenue
for success, be it an effervescent personality, skill in writing or preaching,
a sympathetic spirit, all of it comes from God and is to be offered back up to
God. Our joy should be found in that Christ has made us worthy. Whether we feel
it on a day-to-day basis or not, the truth remains. Even when we feel the
weakest, the lowest, and the most worthless we can know that we have been
called by Christ and commissioned to the greatest cause.
Most days though, we remain woefully ignorant of our
calling, choosing the easy path of progressing through the daily rigors of life
choosing (willfully or not) comfortability over God’s desire for us. It is easy
to do, as the demands of the day require our attention. Our fault lies in when
we see these realities as the only reality, that our purpose is only as deep as
satisfying the basic needs for life. In truth, our calling goes beyond and
through all of the mundane, necessary daily affairs. Yes, we need a job, but
what is that job but an avenue for the gospel to intersect with our co-workers?
Yes, we need to train and instruct (and have fun with) our children, but we do
these with an eye toward imparting the knowledge and respect of the Lord to
them. Our calling is such that we operate with two eyes. One eye remains
focused on the necessary affairs of life. The other trains itself on the mission
of the Christ. These two are not divorced, but integrated. It is far too easy
to lose focus on the eternal and get trapped in the temporal. However, we should not neglect but rejoice in
the calling we have been given by God. We need to live in the confidence we
have in Christ as Paul did and search earnestly for the leading of the Lord. We
must keep our eyes trained on the mission field of our lives and minister
creatively out of the confidence that we have a mighty Lord who has not only
redeemed us from sin but commissioned us as ambassadors for His kingdom. A God
who did all this surely can be trusted to provide the victory.
Let us remain fixed on our calling, serving our Lord with
humility (for we know that our sufficiency comes only through Christ), and
confidently searching for and following His leading.
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