John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all of the country of Judea was
going out to him, and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were being baptized
by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.
Mark 1:4,5
What was it that prompted such a
reaction from the residents of Jerusalem and Judea? What was it that brought
about such change? There was curiosity, to be sure. After 400 years of
prophetic inactivity, to see a prophet the likes of Isaiah or Ezekiel was sure
to bring about interest. But curiosity does not bring repentance. At least not
to the level they were experiencing there near the Jordan. So what was it that
brought the crowds? What was it that made John’s ministry so effective?
It can only be that the Spirit of
God brought about such dramatic results. Only the Spirit of God can affect
change in a person’s heart. We know this to be true in our own lives and the
lives of others. If the Spirit of God is not moving there is no victory, no
repentance, and no change.
We put such stock in our efforts;
our demographics, our studies, our preparation, our delivery, and all those
things have their place, but the pursuit of good reasoning isn’t enough. All of
our efforts, as God-pleasing and noble as they may be, cannot save a soul from
hell; cannot bring about revival. We should never let ourselves become so
haughty and prideful (or, conversely, so despondent) as to believe that our
efforts are powerful enough to save or that our weaknesses are enough to ensure
failure. Our works are not the end of the story.
I want to ask, as a brother: is
there a place in your life for the Spirit of God? Is there a place for a Spirit
who defies convention; a Spirit who spoke through a donkey, who brought about
repentance in the godless Ninevites despite a reluctant preacher, who built the
foundation of the Christian church on eleven unfaithful cowards who abandoned
their Messiah? Is there a place for such a Spirit in your life? Or has your
faith become too narcissistic?
I worry, friends that we have gone
too far in synchronizing our faith with reason. I fear that we have reduced the
power of God into something we can manage with our own hands; something we can
observe and control; into what our surveys tell us is possible. In short --- we
have reduced the power of God into what seems reasonable in our earthly wisdom.
The Lord only knows that I have been the guiltiest in this regard; that I have
confined God to what I can touch, see, and hear.
But the Spirit cannot be contained
by reason. He cannot be quantified by the analysis of experts. He cannot be
measured by the limited efforts of man. His Spirit is capable of all things.
His Spirit is capable of the miraculous; the illogical. And only through His
Spirit can the miraculous occur. In obedience we do our part but the change
belongs to the Lord. We need to understand that what we need is not more
knowledge, bigger budgets, a more persuasive personality, or more eloquent
sermons. We need the Spirit of God to move. We need to trust in the Lord
better; deeper, and to ask Him to move, to stir hearts, to bring revival, for
only He is able. We must beg Him to transform the lives of our communities, of
our family and friends; those people and places that are the most lost and
desolate. Only He can bring change. Only He can bring revival. Wind of God,
come blow upon us.
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