Sunday, June 24, 2018


Perhaps a simple word is required
before this long and lonely night expires.

I deserve nothing but wrath.
I claim nothing but Christ.
If I stand it is by your favor.
If I serve it is with my life.

Perhaps some theme in simple measure
will serve to divest of this world's treasure.

Friday, June 22, 2018

On A Clear Day

Hephestian tongues advance
licking the furrowed trunks of the jack-pine,
blistering in the scorching heat
---a caustic baptistery.
The thin column of smoke rising,
unhindered on a windless day.
Skyward, wings flit,
to and fro, obscured
by the shimmering haze, this inferior mirage.
Seen in part,
this flame deluge
but scores the earth a dreadful scar
yet from this consuming fire 
brings a loosening
of resinous bonds
and the flutter 
of a thousand anxious wings
bursting forth in flight
to greet the northern sky.
Born in new shoots
and tender stalks,
is the splendid alchemy
of eucatastrophic design
---boreal resurrection. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Moriah, O sweet Moriah
where grew the sacred terebinth
that bid aloft the holy king
whose grace issuing forth has since
fulfilled the hopes of patriarchs
who in Machpelah slumber still
beneath Mamre's towering oaks
darkness cannot their joy dispel.

Moriah, who bore twice the weight
of sacrifice; who saw in hand
the fire and the knife at Isaac's 
throat laid, before appeared the ram
and later felt the violent rain
fall from Abraham's precious seed
to light the watch-fires for every
distant nation who would believe.